Today , last perioud , BM , our BM teacher, we like to call her臭脸 , cause from the 1st day she come our class till now.. she no laugh before... .
When she in our class , straight show her 苦瓜 face and shout :"KETUA KUMPULAN KELUAR" . She divided our class to 5 groups and each group 1 Ketua, she says that today wanna teach Peribahasa.
1 group choose 1 Peribahasa , ours one is "Bagai Anjing & Kucing- 2 ppl that like to argue". All group need to do a presentation acting follow the Peribahasa given.
Here is our class's acting.
Bagai cincin dengan jari - 2 people go out and act like very friendly , but actually they 2 dont ' know each other ~.~, then another students take 1 paper make 1 "Cincin" and put on finger. ==.
Bagai Aur dengan tebing - THIS MAKE WHOLE CLASS LAUGH ! 1 ppl acting like want vomit... then the other 1 ask :" you wanna "aur" ? *Aur = vomit in hokkien* "if wanna "Aur" go tebing aur."
Bagai kacang lupa kulitnya - 1st student go out and introduce :" my name is kacang " , 2nd students say :" my name is kulit " . Then 1st people say , I (kacang ) forgot him (kulit ) -_-.
The others is quite normal...
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